31 Oct 2009

New prespectives on David Lynch @tate modern

Are you ready to boogie? by David Lynch
such a lovely character he is.

Inland Empire

I just finished watching "Inland Empire" for tomorrow.
it took 3 hours..
too long and too difficult.
I could not get it.

The Japanese lady on the street is outdated actress in Japan.
It was so strange.
I was like "oh, she is alive!"

The lady with subtitle
Even she was speaking English. lol
I need to develop my English...

pattern model making

I've started model making.
Development of patterns are not enough, though.
I'll come back to pattern soon.

30 Oct 2009

back to lego heads

TVCC will rebuild !!

Plans to rebuild damaged TVCC building under way

via google hosted news

29 Oct 2009

Lecture, tutorial n surgery

Lecture about how to draw architectural ideas

Group tutorial


RPT looks so happy.

28 Oct 2009

pattern progress

I was struggling in pattern making.

26 Oct 2009

091026 group tutorial

I completely miss understood this task.
I could not stop my stupidity...

I started studying proper tiling systems....

25 Oct 2009


I started from homogeneity.

Lego people

24 Oct 2009

site model making movie

I added some.

Photoshop CS5

It's sick!!
I can't wait.

23 Oct 2009

site model done!

Here is a non edited movie.

I will upload one more.
But I should work for Monday.

22 Oct 2009

site model 091022


today's Tom

20 Oct 2009

vba scripting week2

In the computing class, I'm learning basic vba on AutoCAD.
It's just beginning of the long series....
I don't know how I can apply to the studio work.

19 Oct 2009

Mat Building + Pattern

We had a lecture about Mat Building.

In the afternoon, we pinned up our pattern sheets.

We found many unknowns, today.

today's Tom

18 Oct 2009

Libeskind Villa

Prefabricated?? house design by Libeskind

There is a movie.

Is anybody able to translate for me?
I don't understand German.

17 Oct 2009

model making on Saturday

today's Danai

16 Oct 2009

model making on Friday

"Guys, think about sustainability!"

today's Tom

15 Oct 2009

model + framework

a long template for site model
We finally started cutting timber.

We had a presentation about this year's framework.
It's gonna be good.

12 Oct 2009

First Site Visit

It was first time with whole unit9 members.

11 Oct 2009

testing PPT for Monday

8 Oct 2009

Jeff + AA + Curry

We had Jeff.
We discussed about the site model, our thesis and softwares.

We had a extra tutor.

We checked Jesse Reiser's lecture at AA.

We had curry a party in Danai's flat.
Chef Vim was great!