10 Dec 2009

FOA will split

Check BD

9 Dec 2009

live naohero

I added a gadget on the right side.

20 Nov 2009

Jeanne Claude

Jeanne Claude died November 18, 2009

19 Nov 2009

text reading + urban fabric model presentation

We read the texts from space reader.
Next week we will discuss about delirious NY.

danai got a mustache.


Our group couldn't present...
It was postponed to Friday morning.

18 Nov 2009

Laser cutting club

There are some unit9 students.

16 Nov 2009

Prefab presentation

We presented prefab research.
I'm thinking if I should continue or not...

12 Nov 2009

prefab lecture

Jeff showed many ways to us.

11 Nov 2009

too dense studio

Everyone was inspired by the email from Jeff. lol

Unit G opened their exhibition tonight.

10 Nov 2009

Renee Pussepp Lecture

I had a lecture by Renee Pussepp.

9 Nov 2009

after reading discussion

We have got some texts from "space reader".
I don't understand enough, though...
I will catch up soon.

7 Nov 2009

tiny tiny progress

I'm sticking around rhino this year.
I was searching some rhino operations today.
Changing templates and going back to rhino...
This back and forth is endless.

lego man animation

I threw out lego heads.
but, it is interesting.

via http://moistproduction.blogspot.com

6 Nov 2009


We had a small workshop about StickyWorld with Michael Kohn.
In a way it is useful.
But basic function is still on developing.
Generally, users don't have technical skill.
Providers have to make barrier-free web platform.
That's hardest point of web services.

5 Nov 2009

quiz again!!

we had a quiz again.
I miss understood many questions...
Next time, I will read carefully.

After that, we watched "a kind of architect" again..
Is anyone wants to see with Japanese subtitle?

3 Nov 2009

making twisted tower

It is for computing class.
I was struggling in AutoCAD VBA

2 Nov 2009

adam caruso & thomas demand @tate modern

model progress 091102

1 Nov 2009

pattern progress 091101

Berlin Block Tetris

Berlin Block Tetris from Sergej Hein on Vimeo.


It is strong rain...
I don't think i will be in uni today.

31 Oct 2009

New prespectives on David Lynch @tate modern

Are you ready to boogie? by David Lynch
such a lovely character he is.

Inland Empire

I just finished watching "Inland Empire" for tomorrow.
it took 3 hours..
too long and too difficult.
I could not get it.

The Japanese lady on the street is outdated actress in Japan.
It was so strange.
I was like "oh, she is alive!"

The lady with subtitle
Even she was speaking English. lol
I need to develop my English...

pattern model making

I've started model making.
Development of patterns are not enough, though.
I'll come back to pattern soon.

30 Oct 2009

back to lego heads

TVCC will rebuild !!

Plans to rebuild damaged TVCC building under way

via google hosted news

29 Oct 2009

Lecture, tutorial n surgery

Lecture about how to draw architectural ideas

Group tutorial


RPT looks so happy.

28 Oct 2009

pattern progress

I was struggling in pattern making.

26 Oct 2009

091026 group tutorial

I completely miss understood this task.
I could not stop my stupidity...

I started studying proper tiling systems....

25 Oct 2009


I started from homogeneity.