4 Jan 2010

back again

I'm coming back to the architectural life.
I've been to Nottingham Contemporary Museum last weekend.

10 Dec 2009

FOA will split

Check BD

9 Dec 2009

live naohero

I added a gadget on the right side.

20 Nov 2009

Jeanne Claude

Jeanne Claude died November 18, 2009

19 Nov 2009

text reading + urban fabric model presentation

We read the texts from space reader.
Next week we will discuss about delirious NY.

danai got a mustache.


Our group couldn't present...
It was postponed to Friday morning.

18 Nov 2009

Laser cutting club

There are some unit9 students.

16 Nov 2009

Prefab presentation

We presented prefab research.
I'm thinking if I should continue or not...

12 Nov 2009

prefab lecture

Jeff showed many ways to us.

11 Nov 2009

too dense studio

Everyone was inspired by the email from Jeff. lol

Unit G opened their exhibition tonight.

10 Nov 2009

Renee Pussepp Lecture

I had a lecture by Renee Pussepp.